SQLCoder2-7B – Text-2-SQL Generation using Yelp Dataset

In the realm of data analysis and manipulation, SQL (Structured Query Language) stands as a cornerstone for interacting with relational databases. However, crafting SQL queries can sometimes be daunting, especially for those less familiar with the language. Enter SQLCoder2-7B, a cutting-edge model that leverages the power of natural language processing (NLP) to generate SQL queries from plain text. In this guide, we’ll explore how to utilize SQLCoder2-7B with the Yelp dataset, diving into the implementation details using llama_cpp and a compatible gguf model from Hugging Face.

Understanding SQLCoder2-7b

SQLCoder is a state-of-the-art NLP model designed specifically for generating SQL queries from natural language prompts. It is built upon advanced deep learning architectures and trained on vast datasets, enabling it to comprehend complex queries and produce accurate SQL statements. Click here to know more.

Preparing the Yelp Dataset

The Yelp dataset serves as an excellent playground for exploring SQLCoder2 7B model capabilities. This dataset contains a wealth of information, including business details, user reviews, and geographical data. I have used PostgreSQL database to store the yelp data. For this example, I am using only the reviews and business tables.

    business_id character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    address character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    city character varying(100) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    state character(10) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    postal_code character varying(20) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    latitude numeric,
    longitude numeric,
    stars double precision,
    review_count integer,
    is_open integer,
    attributes jsonb,
    categories character varying(1000) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    hours jsonb,
    CONSTRAINT business_pkey PRIMARY KEY (business_id)
    review_id character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    user_id character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    business_id character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    stars integer,
    useful integer,
    funny integer,
    cool integer,
    review_text text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    date timestamp without time zone,
    CONSTRAINT review_pkey PRIMARY KEY (review_id)

Setting Up llama_cpp_python and gguf Model

To run SQLCoder2-7b effectively, we’ll utilize llama_cpp_python, a versatile tool for executing NLP models. Additionally, we’ll acquire a compatible gguf model from Hugging Face’s model repository, ensuring seamless integration with llama_cpp. You can download hugging face models into your local machine using the following Python code:

from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
model_path = snapshot_download(repo_id="defog/sqlcoder-7b-2",repo_type="model", local_dir="../models/sqlcoder-7b-2", local_dir_use_symlinks=False)

Once the model is downloaded, you can find the GGUF file which is compatible with llama_cpp_python. To download and install llama-cpp-python, please follow this link.

Generating SQL Queries with SQLCoder2-7B

With the setup complete, it’s time to put SQLCoder 7b 2 to the test. It’s a three step process.

Step-1: You need to provide metadata to the model explaining your table structure. Below is the sample metadata I used for Yelp dataset. Let’s call it metadata.sql.

CREATE TABLE business (
  business_id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY, -- Unique ID for each business
  name VARCHAR(255), -- Name of the business
  address VARCHAR(255), -- address of the business
  city VARCHAR(100), -- city where the business is located
  state VARCHAR(10), -- state with two letter US code where the business is located
  postal_code VARCHAR(20), -- US zip code where the business is located
  latitude DECIMAL(10,7), -- latitude coordinates of the business location
  longitude DECIMAL(10,7), -- longitude coordinates of the business location
  stars DECIMAL(2,1), -- number of star rating for the business
  review_count INTEGER,  -- total number of reviews for the business
  is_open INTEGER,  -- is the business open
  attributes JSONB, -- Json formatted attributes of the business
  categories VARCHAR(1000), -- categories that business belongs to
  hours JSONB -- business open hours in a week grouped by day

   review_id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY, -- Unique ID for each review
   user_id VARCHAR(50), -- user ID of the user who wrote this review
   business_id VARCHAR(50) -- business ID of the business on which this review was written
   stars INTEGER, -- total stars given for this review
   useful INTEGER, -- is this review useful, 1 for useful 0 for not useful
   funny INTEGER, -- is this review funny, 1 for funny 0 for not funny
   cool integer, -- is this review cool, 1 for cool 0 for not cool
   review_text TEXT, -- review text which contains the original review given by user
   date DATE -- Date on which this review was given

-- business.business_id can be joined with review.business_id

Step-2: You need a prompt template where you provide instructions, metadata, question/answer format. Let’s call it prompt.md.

### Task
Generate a SQL query to answer [QUESTION]{user_question}[/QUESTION]

### Instructions
- If you cannot answer the question with the available database schema, return 'I do not know'

### Database Schema
The query will run on a database with the following schema:

### Answer
Given the database schema, here is the SQL query that answers [QUESTION]{user_question}[/QUESTION]

Step-3: I created a chat like interface in command line. Now run the model and talk to your database. Below is the screenshot of the conversations with the SQLCoder2 7B model:

The generated SQL queries executed successfully on PostgreSQL database. It handles column names, join and where clauses effectively.

Let’s Jump into the code

Let’s look into the code blocks. Before that we need to install the required packages.

$ pip install llama-cpp-python psycopg2-binary tabulate

Load the model using Llama Python package.

from llama_cpp import Llama
import psycopg2
from tabulate import tabulate

LLM = Llama(model_path="../models/sqlcoder-7b-2/sqlcoder-7b-q5_k_m.gguf", n_gpu_layers=10, n_ctx=2048, verbose=False)

Connect to PostgreSQL database. I have used the default configurations:

conn = psycopg2.connect(
cur = conn.cursor()

Now we need a method to generate the prompt. For this method we use the metadata.sql and prompt.md files defined in the previous section.

def generate_prompt(question, prompt_file="prompt.md", metadata_file="metadata.sql"):
    with open(prompt_file, "r") as f:
        prompt = f.read()
    with open(metadata_file, "r") as f:
        table_metadata_string = f.read()

    prompt = prompt.format(
        user_question=question, table_metadata_string=table_metadata_string
    return prompt

Now, we will send the prompt to the model and get the generated SQL and execute it on the PostgreSQL connection.

def query_model(question):
    prompt = generate_prompt(question)
    output = LLM(
        max_tokens=200, # Generate up to 32 tokens
        stop=["Q:", "\n"], 
        echo=True # Echo the prompt back in the output
    sql_query = output['choices'][0]['text'].split('[SQL]')[1]
    print("SQL: ", sql_query)
    return execute_query(sql_query)

def execute_query(query):
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    headers = [desc[0] for desc in cur.description]
    return tabulate(rows, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid")

The final main function

def main():
    print("Welcome to the SQLCoder Chat Interface!")
    print("Type your message and press Enter to get a response.")
    print("Type 'exit' to quit.")

    while True:
        user_input = input("Question: ")
        if user_input.lower() == 'exit':
        print("Answer: ")
        response = query_model(user_input)

if __name__ == "__main__":


SQLCoder2 7b represents a significant advancement in the realm of NLP-driven SQL generation, offering a powerful tool for simplifying database interactions. By leveraging the capabilities of llama_cpp and a compatible gguf model from Hugging Face, users can seamlessly integrate SQLCoder2 7b into their data analysis workflows. Whether you’re a seasoned SQL expert or a newcomer to database querying, SQLCoder2 7b provides an intuitive and efficient solution for transforming text into SQL queries.

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